Jerod and Gil Kerlikowske, Director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (Drug Czar)
“Out of Bounds: A Football Player’s Journey”
This is a roll-up-your-sleeves look at Jerod’s struggles while in the grips of his alcoholism and addiction. He pulls no punches in delivering his story. His ability to take the audience with him on a step-by-step journey to the depths of his despair is both uncomfortable and cathartic. The listener travels through the peaks and valleys of Jerod’s life. The story begins in small town, West Virginia, with Jerod struggling in school with undiagnosed learning disabilities and a chaotic home life. We move on to the college campus where Jerod became a college football star and honor student with a promising future. We ultimately travel into the realm of loss and disappointment, as Jerod becomes an unemployable addict and hopeless, homeless man. Find out how Jerod lost everyone he loved, his place in society, and every bit of his humanity. Hear him describe his brokenness which led to his ultimate surrender, and how he acquired the skill-set necessary to navigate the waters of life.
“Don’t tell me your dream – show me your plan of action!”
This is Jerod’s proven recipe for success. Follow the action plan he used to go from homeless man to successful businessman. This presentation combines mapping out short-term and long-term goals to reach your desired destination. It includes developing the daily plans, weekly plans, and monthly plans which will move your clients from point A to point B. He explains how he was required to introduce structure and stability into his chaotic life in order to return to civilization. Jerod takes the audience back through specific points in his journey to explain and expound on how he used these tools to reach the life of his dreams.
“Know who you’re working with – Yourself”
This presentation educates the audience participant on why it is critical to take responsibility for themselves and their own actions, as well as how to do so. Participants will learn how to celebrate their successes as well as owning their failures, without having to revert to old behaviors such as self-loathing or assuming the role of victim. Jerod explains how both the successes and the failures are necessary in order to bring balance and progress into each person’s life. He describes how it is impossible to feel joy if you never experience pain. Learn how one of the toughest things to do as a person — whether you are an addict or not — is to get out of your head and get into your heart. Participants learn that recognizing and understanding their own strengths and weaknesses opens up the door where all things become possible. This learning experience teaches audience members how to become the best person they can be, and therefore able to achieve the best possible results. Honest self-examination is the simplest and quickest way to discover your passion and to get the results you desire.